Needs to be an easier way
Like many of you I like to take the dog everywhere I can with no issues. One night I decided to go a spot I like to frequent with my pal Sikho. I order some great seafood tacos and sit at the bar with my dog. As I'm drinking a cold beer with Sikho not a care in the world is crossing my mind until the tacos arrive. I realize I only have two hands which presented a problem if I want to eat, drink and be merry without holding that leash.
I decided to tie my chain leash to my ankle, which wasn't the most comfortable or best way to solve the problem. This caused me to ponder all night there "needs to be an easier way" to take handle the dog while out with holding or tying the leash.
This led me to search Google, Amazon and do some research and to my luck there wasn't something out there to solve this issue. I then observe other dog owners at dog friendly places and with some feedback decided to create the leashsnap.
The leashsnap is the most effective way to simply enjoy a bite or drink out without the need to juggle your dog at the same time.